Issue: 45(2) May 2019. Essays Pages 39 – 41
Matko Marušić
University of Split, Split, Croatia; [email protected]
Vicko Tomić
University of Split, Split, Croatia
Danijel Gudelj
University of Split, Split, Croatia
Elizabeth Wager
University of Split, Split, Croatia
Ana Marušić
University of Split, Split, Croatia
The University of Split has started a new journal based on the university’s repositories. ST-OPEN is an overlay journal1 open to students and teachers from the University of Split, as well as from other universities in Croatia. ST in the title stands for “students” but is also the abbreviation for the city of Split. It is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary e-journal – an “interjournal”2 that will adopt the diamond model of open access (that is, there will be no charge for either authors or readers).
This article presents the rationale for creating ST-OPEN and considers its specific innovative approach to scientific publishing.